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Presentation on Tweeting the Bible

Here’s a presentation I just gave at the BibleTech 2010 conference about how people tweet the Bible:

Also: PowerPoint, PDF.

I distributed the following handout at the presentation, showing the popularity of Bible chapters and verses cited on Twitter. It displays a lot of data: darker chapters are more popular, the number in the middle of each box is the most popular verse in the chapter, and sparklines in each box show the distribution of the popularity in each chapter. (Genesis 1:1 is by far the most popular verse in Genesis 1, while Genesis 3:15 is only a little more popular than other verses in the chapter.)

The grid shows the popularity of chapters and verses in the Bible as cited on Twitter.

3 Responses to “Presentation on Tweeting the Bible”

  1. Trey Gourley says:

    Awesome presentation at BibleTech. Your visualizations really do show that a picture is worth a thousand words.

    Great work!


  2. Trey Gourley says:

    Oh… I also wanted to share another visualization page with you. You probably have already seen it, but again just showing Bible relationships in a new way.


  3. […] of the fourteen verses overlap the thirty most popular verses on Twitter, a higher percentage than I […]