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New Feature: Bible Verse Photo Composites

February 4th, 2008

Try Bible Verse Photo Composites. Move your mouse over the image to see a photo composite for a particular verse, and click to see composites for the words in that verse.

An example:
Genesis 1:1 shows images over the words “beginning,” “God,” “created,” “heavens,” and “earth.”

Here’s the idea: Use the Flickr API to find photos matching each of the words in the Bible. Then download the photos for each word and layer them on top of each other to produce a composite image for word. Once you do that, layer the important words from each verse on top of each other to produce a composite image for each verse.

Then put all the verses together in sequence to create the orangeish image you see above. About 300,000 images comprising 13,000 words make up the image. Each verse occupies about six pixels.

Technical Background

For layering the photos, I wanted the brightest (most-saturated) colors possible; I used a simple formula. It finds the difference between the brightest and darkest channels in a particular pixel. The brighter colors will tend have bigger differences.

function weight_pixel($pixel)
$rgb = array(( $pixel >> 16 ) & 0xFF, ( $pixel >> 8 ) & 0xFF, $pixel & 0xFF);
sort($rgb, SORT_NUMERIC);
return $rgb[2] - $rgb[0];

This formula differs from the usual conversion formula from RGB to HSL. I didn’t like the results of the RGB-HSL formula as much; the images were slightly darker.

Then I placed the darkest pixels on the bottom layer of the composite image, layering brighter (but about 50% transparent) pixels on top. The results for each word resemble abstract art:

11 (11) begrudge (begrudge) liquid (liquid) sharp (sharp) waterfalls (waterfalls)

I did a similar procedure to produce verse composites, layering the important words from each verse on top of each other. The results are generally less spectacular (in my opinion) than the word composites, as many of the verses look like each other. I’d like to explore other compositing algorithms to try to differentiate the verses more. (Feel free to leave a comment if you have any suggestions for an algorithm!)

Gen 1:2 (Gen 1:2) Josh 3:10 (Josh 3:10) Matt 5:4 (Matt 5:4)

The hardest part was the waiting. It took a long time to download the 300,000 images, and nearly as long to process them all. Plus, it takes a while to upload half a gigabyte of data after processing the images.

The verses composites omit images for about 200 common words (as listed in the Crossway Comprehensive Concordance of the ESV). I didn’t want common words to overwhelm the important ones.

From a coding standpoint, this project let me try out the jQuery Javascript library, which I’ve been wanting to do for some time.

Future Directions

Well, the result is awfully orange. As I said above, I would’ve liked to see some more differentiation. (I tried a few different formulas but didn’t come up with anything that works much better.) You can see some bands that are more orange than others, but I’m not sure how significant they are.

It would be interesting to try to calculate cross-references based on the similarity of the verse composites—are verses that look alike actually similar?

Any work of literature would lend itself to this kind of project. Project Gutenberg has lots of public-domain e-texts available. It would be interesting to compare the composite footprint of, say, Moby Dick to the Bible’s.


The inspiration for this project comes from the 80 Million Tiny Images project by Antonio Torralba, Rob Fergus, and William T. Freeman at MIT. They created a map of nouns in the English language by downloading images from search engines, combining the images, and then arranging them into a graphic based on the words’ semantic distance from each other. Fascinating stuff. Via ReadWriteWeb.

Google Timeline View of Biblical Events

January 29th, 2008

Google just introduced an experimental view of search results that identifies dates embedded in webpages and shows you a timeline of when these pages say the relevant events occurred.

Below are searches for a few events in the Bible. Obviously the timelines reflect divergent opinions on when the events occurred.

Jesus’ Birth

See the results for Jesus’ birth on Google.
The current consensus seems to be sometime in 2 B.C.

Jesus’ Crucifixion

See the results for Jesus’ crucifixion on Google.
The year A.D. 30 is the clear leader here. Notice how most of the bars in the first few months of the year, which you’d expect if the Crucifixion coincided with Passover.

The Exodus

See the results for the Exodus on Google.
Here you see the two main datings of the Exodus: the 15th century and the 13th century B.C.

Via Searchblog.

Update February 2016: At some point, Google discontinued this offering, so the above links to Google no longer work.

“Satellite Images” of Bible Events

December 17th, 2007

Have you ever wondered what the parting of the Red Sea would have looked like from a satellite? Probably something like this:

A fake aerial view of Moses and the Israelites walking through the Red Sea.

An Australian group produced four fake aerial views of Bible events (Adam and Eve in Eden, Noah’s Ark on Ararat, Jesus’ crucifixion, and crossing the Red Sea) for the recent Miami art fair. The group is working on producing satellite images of other historical and mythological events.

Digital Resources for Bible Mapping

December 16th, 2007

Mark at Biblical Studies and Technological Tools has been preparing for his BibleTech08 talk on Biblical mapping by asking his readers for their thoughts on Bible maps. Here are my responses to some of his questions.

First, I can see Bible software moving in two directions as it relates to mapping:

Outsource It: Mapping in Bible Software, Approach #1

Mapping has never been a strength of Bible software (with the possible exception of Accordance). But that’s not necessarily a problem.

Why should Bible software try to reproduce Google Earth’s features, with 3D terrain, zooming, rotating, layers, etc.? It’ll inevitably pale in comparison to Google Earth. In other words, no Bible software company is going to out-feature Google.

Rather, Bible software companies should build on existing software and innovate where they can.

Here’s what a Bible software company that wants to take this approach should do:

  1. License or commission attractive maps that allow minimal interactivity. I imagine that a lot of people simply want a map to print or to use in a class. Google Earth doesn’t support this task well.
  2. Identify place names in Bibles and reference works in their software and link these places to geocoded data. People will be able to see quickly where a location is without disrupting their immediate tasks. This kind of deep integration among resources is invaluable.
  3. Allow the export of this data into KML or other open formats so people who want a particular view can use Google Earth (or a similar program) to create it. They can then share these views with others.
  4. Release geocoding data under a Creative Commons license to allow people to reuse it. A lot of biblical regions don’t have any boundary data available on the web at the moment, for example, and it’s better to have people who know what they’re doing draw these boundaries instead of random people with lots of free time. (This last step may not be appropriate for every company.)

Integrate It: Mapping in Bible Software, Approach #2

Maybe a Bible software company really wants to add a Google Earth-style application to their program (perhaps to make sure their data stays proprietary, which I can understand). How should they do it?

They should integrate World Wind, an open-source earth viewer developed by NASA. It comes in both .NET and Java flavors. The i-cubed layer has 15-meter full-color resolution for most of the earth, which is sufficient for most purposes. It can also use Microsoft’s Virtual Earth imagery.

I think you could create a lot of interesting maps and geographic applications if you were willing to customize the World Wind interface for Bible mapping and integrate this data deeply into your software.

The following image, for example, from a post about Herod the Great’s tomb, uses the i-cubed imagery in World Wind:

View of Herodium showing the Dead Sea, Jericho, the Jordan River, the Sea of Galilee, Mount Hermon, and Jerusalem.

What Makes Maps Useful?

I’m only answering for myself here, but I tend to judge a map on its aesthetics—in other words, I prefer a nice-looking map even when it’s otherwise inferior to an ugly map. A lot of Bible maps on the web just aren’t very attractive.

If two maps are equally attractive, I’ll use the one that gives me more flexibility to accomplish what I want or to increase my understanding—enabling layers or places, for example.

Finally, I don’t find static 3D cutaways (like the above image of Herod the Great’s tomb) very useful—they’re cool to look at, but the distortion in perspective makes it hard to measure distances or see how places relate to each other. However, I do find it useful to pan down in Google Earth. So I like standard overhead views for static maps but prefer dynamic maps to give me maximum flexibility.

How People Use the Maps Here

Judging from their search keywords on Google, people are looking for three main things when they come to Of course I don’t know what their ultimate aim is, but here are their immediate goals:

  1. An overview of Bible geography.
  2. The location of a specific place that they probably encountered in their Bible reading.
  3. Integration of Bible places and Google Earth or Google Maps.

Map Features

Here are some things I’d like to see in Bible maps in the future:

  • Social integration. I don’t really know what it would involve, but a lot of mapping sites are moving to allow collaboration and sharing of maps created by users. I can imagine a lot of potential here to eliminate duplication of effort—how many people have had to create new maps just because the particular one they wanted didn’t exist? By sharing maps, the likelihood increases that someone has already created the map you want.
  • Reference material about each place. If I taught a graduate or undergraduate class on Bible geography, I’d have each student write a brief summary of several places in the Bible and then release these summaries under a Creative Commons license. Then I’d integrate them into the KML files available on this site, perhaps with some links to Wikipedia or other resources for more information. In other words, I’d like to see the KML files on OpenBible contain some up-to-date scholarship on each place, so people learn more than just a place’s coordinates when they come here. It’s similar to what does by including articles from the ISBE (a public-domain Bible encyclopedia). Unfortunately, all the public-domain resources show their age in terms of language and scholarship. At the very least, I’d like to link Bible places that have Wikipedia entries to their corresponding articles.
  • City maps. I’d like to see city plans from various time periods. I find such maps helpful because satellite imagery can’t help you reconstruct the plans. Even better would be to geolocate the maps, so you can browse them in Google Earth and see their relation to modern cities. has about twenty biblical city maps available to buy. I’d like to see city maps implemented purely in KML as polygons, paths, and points. I’ve created a simple version of Nineveh in KML as a proof-of-concept.
  • Photos. I’ve worked on aggregating some photos of Bible places, but the potential exists for a lot more. has a nice, free virtual tour of selected sites (Beersheba, for example). I’d like to see this kind of approach on a larger scale—or even integrated right into Google Earth.
  • Using the new terrain layer on Google maps. Satellite maps are great, but sometimes a terrain map shows things more clearly. For example:
    See a shaded-relief version of Israel’s topography at Google Maps
  • More Creative Commons-licensed data. Political boundary and road data are conspicuously absent from the OpenBible data set. I’ve said before that making a lot of Bible data available under open licensing will allow people to develop new views and understandings of the Bible, which in turn will let Bible software developers integrate refined versions of these advances into their products. But, again, no one should feel compelled to release work only under Creative Commons; people deserve compensation.
  • International resources. This site gets a lot of visitors from people outside the U.S. They simply may not have access to the biblical resources we have here—or the ability to spend a lot of money on Bible reference materials. In any case, international interest in Bible maps is probably extensive. Maps have some internationalization issues (with place names), but not nearly to the extent that, say, Bible commentaries do.


Thanks to Mark for his recent roundup of the latest goings-on at and for his explanation of how to find all the mentions of a place in the Bible.

I hope Mark will make the slides from his BibleTech talk available online. I look forward to seeing what he has to say.

“Printing” 3D Maps and Bible Objects

December 13th, 2007

The Wall Street Journal yesterday had an article about 3D printers turning web creations into physical models (the link may or may not work for you). Here’s the paragraph that got my attention:

A World of Warcraft figurine created by a 3D printer.In Redmond, Wash., a start-up called 3D Outlook Corp. this month will begin using software from NASA to sell 3-D models of mountains and other terrain priced at under $100, says Tom Gaskins, the company’s chief executive officer. Mr. Gaskins says hikers, resorts and real-estate firms are likely customers for 3-D maps and models that show the topographic contours of ski slopes, golf courses and other landscapes.

So you could, in theory, take Google Earth satellite and elevation data, combine it with the Bible geocoding data, and produce a custom 3D physical model of the Holy Land with key places labeled—or you could focus on one area, like Jerusalem, and show how it changed over time.

Or you could take a 3D model of Herod’s Temple and turn it into a 3D “printout.”

Anything you can represent in three dimensions—for example, the Ark of the Covenant or an ancient synagogue—can become a 3D model. In the future, I imagine technically minded Bible students producing a 3D model of something in the Bible, backed by research, as a final project in a class.

Imagine a 3D recreation of Nineveh in the time of Jonah. Or a complete reconstruction of a partially uncovered artifact uncovered on an archaeological dig. Or a way to recreate a variety of pottery vessels based on location and period (to help archaeology students familiarize themselves with identifying pottery from sherds—maybe you could “print” several vessels, then break them, mix up the remains, and have to identify the location and period of several sherds; it sounds like an interesting exam to me). Or a way for museums to share exact replicas of items in their collections with universities, so students can examine the items more closely than they can the originals. And if you break one? Just print another copy.

Obviously the possibilities extend beyond the realm of biblical studies, but affordable 3D printing opens a lot of intriguing doors. Hopefully it’ll get cheaper and more widespread soon.

New Feature: Photos of Bible Places

December 3rd, 2007

Browse 9,500 photos taken near 580 biblical locations. For example: Beersheba, Capernaum, and Ur.

More examples:

See this aqueduct on Flickr
Aqueduct at Caesarea by hoyasmeg

See these gates on Flickr
Gates at Dan by callmetim

See these rooftops on Flickr
Rooftops at Babylon by labanex


Photo-sharing site Flickr has an API that lets you find photographs by latitude and longitude. The Bible Geocoding section of this site has lots of data arranged by latitude and longitude. Why not use the Flickr API to find photos that people have taken near places in the Bible?

The resulting photos are of varying quality for getting an idea of what a place looks like. Remember, people didn’t necessarily take these photos with the intent of giving you an overview of the landscape. The photos reflect personal interests—maybe someone saw an interesting flower that just happens to be near a biblical landmark. So don’t expect every photo to be relevant or every place to have lots of photos.

Technical Notes

Every night, a program on this server queries the Flickr API to find any new photos taken near the biblical locations. Then it saves these photos to a database, indexed by location for easy retrieval.

The program treats copyrighted and Creative-Commons-licensed photos the same way— thumbnails are OK for copyrighted photos. In the future, I may feature CC-licensed photos more prominently. Only about 2,000 of the 9,500 photos are CC-licensed.

Future Directions

Right now, you can only get to the photos by browsing them by place. I hope to integrate the photos into the Bible atlas somehow.

I’d also like to let people vote on helpful or unhelpful photos to better prioritize the photos.

It may be possible to use Flickr tags to find non-geocoded photos of Bible places, but I’m not sure how to perform such a task automatically. I’m certainly open to suggestions.

What You Can Do with the Photos

I don’t own the photos; the photographers do. If you want to use a photo for something, click on it to go to its Flickr page. Then check its licensing terms. If it’s copyrighted, you need to secure permission from the photographer before you use it. If it has a Creative Commons license, you have more freedom to use the photos, depending on the terms of the license.

I recommend Todd Bolen’s for professional-quality, affordable photos of places in the Holy Land, especially Israel. His photos give you lots of perspectives and work especially well for presentations. Compare Todd’s photos of Engedi to OpenBible’s photos of Engedi, for example, to see how his photos help connect you to the biblical narrative.

3D Cross-References

October 23rd, 2007

Somewhat related to the long zoom and new ways of viewing the Bible, here’s a 3D program for viewing relationships among documents:

Eleven documents in a three-dimensional representation show links between their parts.

This image comes from (where there are more pictures). It shows transclusions, or (to oversimplify things) places where documents quote each other.

The Bible and biblical reference works do this kind of quoting and referencing all the time—for example, commentaries cite passages and external sources to support their interpretations. Current-generation Bible software makes it easy to work your way through different citations, but it’s hard to see the extended context of multiple citations at one time. A more visual interface might let you make connections you otherwise wouldn’t.

Via if:book.

The Long Zoom

October 12th, 2007

Sean at Blogos (finally) reveals the topics of his presentations at the BibleTech08 conference.

One of his talks is about the “long zoom” (which, shockingly, lacks a Wikipedia entry) as it relates to studying the Bible. Over the past year, I’ve become convinced that the long zoom is a fundamental metaphor for how people deal with complexity (especially now, in the early 21st century) and that the Bible software company that successfully applies the long zoom to its products will redefine Bible study.

What Is the Long Zoom?

The long zoom refers to the idea of showing objects or data at different scales. Think of zooming in and out on Google Earth, for example—one second you see the whole earth, the next you’re looking at the nonexistent logo at the bottom of Google’s swimming pool. As Sean mentions, the film Powers of Ten (1977) was the first project to express the idea in an accessible way.

But the term “long zoom” comes (I think) from an article in the New York Times Magazine by Steven Johnson called The Long Zoom. The article is about the (still ongoing) development of the computer game Spore by Will Wright, who created SimCity. Jason Oke summarizes the article if you don’t want to read all 5,000 words of it. (I recommend reading the whole thing, however. It’s one of the most interesting articles I’ve read, though it probably helps to have enjoyed playing SimCity at some point in your life.)

Johnson writes:

“One of the things that’s obviously been happening for the past 100 or 200 years,” [musician Brian] Eno told me, “is that the range of our experience has greatly expanded: we can see much smaller things and much bigger things than we ever could before. But we can also start thinking about much longer futures and much deeper pasts as well. That really makes a big difference to us as humans, because on the one hand it makes us realize that we’re very powerful in that we’re able to comprehend and see all of this universe. But it also makes us seem so much less significant. We’re a tiny blip on a tiny radar screen. I think this is a feeling that people are trying to come to terms with, the feeling of where do we fit in all of this.”

And arguably the best way to come to terms with that feeling is to explore those different scales of experience directly, to move from the near-invisible realm of microbes to the vast distances of galaxies. Of all the forms of culture available to us today, games may well be the most effective at conveying that elusive perspective, precisely because they are so immersive and participatory and because their design can be so open-ended. “I wanted to make a game that would recreate a drug induced epiphany,” Wright told me. “I want people to be able to step back five steps, five really big steps. To think about life itself and its potential galactic-scale impact. I want the gamers to have this awesome perspective handed to them in a game. And then let them decide how to interpret it.”

(Wright is, of course, describing the effects of not just drug trips but also how great works of art—music, literature, visual arts, and now, apparently, video games—have always affected people: art catches people by surprise and gives them a glimpse of their humanity or perhaps even a longing for something more than is possible in our limited existence on earth. But I don’t need to get into a theology of art here.)

Both Eno and Wright frame their comments from a long-zoom perspective, a perspective that, as Eno notes, only recently became possible to visualize concretely. Any medium that allows interactivity or animation has the potential to express itself in long-zoom terms—in other words, film and computers are the ideal media to explore the long zoom.

In his summary of the article, Oke writes:

the long zoom helps us see how things at different scales, from the littlest things to the biggest, are interconnected…. This idea of seeing relationships across different scales is an immensely useful and important idea… But more specifically, what the long zoom visually demonstrates is what you could call the verticality of interconnectedness—not just connections between peers or similar things, but the connections between things at different scales, between the small and the huge. Scale can seem to impose its own limits— it’s easy to assume that small things should have small effects, big things should have big effects. But the long zoom helps us see that small things can have big effects.

Because seeing patterns across scales is so new, and only possible with technology, it presents novel ways of studying the Bible.

Applications for Bible Software

The main way I imagine long zoom working is textually—showing relationships at different levels: words, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, sections, books, the whole Bible, historical and contemporaneous literature, and future literature. In other words, it makes explicit the implicit context at each scope and between scopes, showing how parts relate to the whole and how seemingly independent ideas actually couldn’t exist without each other. (It sounds a lot like a semantic dataset, I know.) I don’t realistically think we can identify all the links between ideas at every level—we’re not omniscient—but we should be able to identify some of the important ones. I also think that as people and scholars become more adept at finding links at different scopes, as they think more explicitly in long-zoom terms, they’ll start to see entirely new patterns emerge.

I realize that paragraph is pretty abstract. Sorry.

Think of the Bible Word Locator as one component in a long-zoom system. It lets you see the distribution of multiple words at a time across the whole Bible. Adding scoping would let you zoom in to see occurrences at the book or verse level, for example, and zoom out to see occurrences across Bible translations, perhaps, or other ancient books, or other religions. Current Bible software lets you search this way to some extent, but it doesn’t let you do it with the fluidity of a long-zoom interface—an interface that allows you to see all these different levels and move between them with ease.

Another example of a tool that lets you work on multiple scales simultaneously is Carnegie Mellon’s Bungee View, designed for navigating the vast photo collections of the Library of Congress and similar institutions. It doesn’t explicitly use the zooming metaphor, but its motto is: “See the forest AND the trees,” which sums up well the whole long-zoom idea:

Go to the Bungee website.

Of course, textual study is only one way to apply the long zoom to the Bible. Other organizing principles are time, space, people, God’s redemptive plan for humanity, the Ten Commandments, echoes of Christ throughout the Bible—you can see pretty much anything through a long-zoom filter, which is both good and bad.

It’s easy (for me, anyway) to become enamored with the sheer novelty of seeing Bible data in different ways and to press the long-zoom metaphor too far. If I say that the long zoom is the interpretive key to the whole Bible, I’m no better than numerologists who find the secret of life in the 153 fish in a fishing net. The long zoom is a new way of seeing data, one that fits the current state-of-the-art well, but there many other ways of looking at the data, too.

You need raw data to produce any kind of visualization (long-zoom or otherwise). Part of what I’m doing here at OpenBible is providing reusable data that people can use to create really cool things like long-zoom interfaces. Similarly, Sean is working on organizing Bible data for Logos to enable the “zoomable user interface” for them.

I hope that Sean is planning to publish the slides from his talk—it sounds like a fascinating new approach to studying the Bible, and I’m eager to see what he’s come up with.

New Server

October 6th, 2007 is now running on a shiny new (virtual private) server somewhere in Texas. Hopefully you won’t notice any changes apart from speed improvements. Just leave a comment on this post if anything breaks for you, and I’ll look into it.

Sorry if you’re getting duplicate posts in your feed reader. I upgraded WordPress to the latest version since the blog was moving servers anyway.

Microformats Invert Assumptions

September 3rd, 2007

Tantek Çelik has thoughts on how microformats invert conventional approaches to problem-solving. (He invented the term “microformat,” so you can call him an expert on the subject.)

I want to talk about how the proposed bibleref microformat follows each of the assumptions Tantek lists.

“Solve small specific problems rather than big problems…. By focusing on those rather than the big hard problems we get more done, and we learn important lessons (and perhaps even create a few building blocks) that make solving the harder problems easier.” An example of a big problem is the one posed by Axel about book-chapter-verse references not being unique identifiers because of different versification schemes. To my knowledge, only Logos has solved this problem, and they need a 57-MB data backend to support it. (57 MB != small problem.) It’s great that Axel brought up this problem; it’s an excellent one to solve, but it’s beyond the scope of a microformat solution—at least for now.

“Research existing data publishing behaviors and data formats, and then base designs directly on that research, rather than inventing new technologies for new spaces.” Online Bible-citing practices have pretty strong conventions, at least when they involve links to web Bibles: in general, either the reference itself is a link, or a word or phrase is a link. Bibleref handles both cases well. (The proposed specification doesn’t work as well when the title attribute of the <a> tag holds the text of the verse, as it sometimes does. I can’t think of an elegant way to handle this case; Chris Roberts’ WordPress plugin adds an empty <cite> tag. Would it be better to wrap the <cite> tag around the <a> tag or pursue an alternate solution? Hard to say.)

“Re-use existing vocabularies where possible, rather than inventing your own vocabulary/language (in contrast to XML culture).” HTML has a built-in tag for handling citations (<cite>), and using the class and title attributes as bibleref does falls both within the letter and even the spirit of those attributes. In contrast, an alternative way of specifying a Bible references is to invent a new protocol (<a href="bibleref:John.3.15">…</a>). This approach immediately breaks all browsers on the planet, rendering the links useless to the people who want to read the passages.

“Provide a solution to marking up data in existing web pages, rather than asking publishers to create machine-only side files in a new format.” Ah, external files. Recommendations that you not create a separate, “accessible” site for your content have a pragmatic underpinning: the flashy, inaccessible site will get all the developers’ attention and updates, while the accessible site gets updated occasionally or never. Similarly, even if you want to keep a running tally of all your Bible references, you’ll still need to indicate their existence in your primary content. Either you’ve just doubled your work, or you’re already using some sort of microformat to allow automated parsing.

“Solutions accessible to millions of hypertext web authors are better than solutions just for programmers.” Or, put another way, a markup solution is better than a programming solution. Anyone who knows HTML can add bibleref markup to their pages; you don’t also need to know Javascript or PHP or Ruby or anything else.

The central theme behind these assumptions: Microformats aren’t (and don’t need to be) perfect; they’re good enough. If you didn’t have any real-world constraints, you might not take the microformat approach. But real-world constraints are why I think Sean’s bibleref proposal is so effective: it doesn’t solve everyone’s problems, but it solves one problem well.

The distributed (bottom-up) nature of microformats provides their strength but also points to their primary weakness: discoverability. How many people are using bibleref? I have no idea, and I can’t find a search engine that will tell me. (Technorati has a Microformats Search, but it looks like they only index a few known formats from

A Google search for [class-bibleref] turns up discussions about the microformat, but not much actual usage. (And I know more people have used it than turn up in the search results.) I want a way to find and aggregate people who are using bibleref. Most of the value in the bibleref microformat (in my opinion) comes from seeing how others are citing the Bible. None of us is in the search-engine business, unfortunately (unless you are—in which case, how about making elements’ class attributes searchable?), yet we still need some way to unobtrusively find and catalog microformat occurrences. In other words, the presence of the microformat itself should suffice for a search index; it’s not realistic to ask people to add other tags to their page to work around search engines’ current limitations.

But perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself. Or maybe Sean at Blogos has a grand plan that he’s going to unveil in January at the BibleTech08 conference.

Via ppk.