Modern locations of places in the Bible:



Latitude, Longitude31.889722, 35.271389
Palestine 1928 Grid Coordinates (?)175784/144085
Point Precision1 km
Coordinates Sources
Precise Coordinates Notesthis is a ruin that is also called Old Migron (OpenStreetMap); it matches "Migron" in Greenberg and Keinan, Israeli Archaeological Activity in the West Bank, 1967-2007 (2009) and an unnamed ruin on Palestine Open Maps (Western Palestine 1:63,000); however, according to Hastings, Dictionary of the Bible (1909), Makrun is 1/2 mile southeast of Burqa, while this point is closer to 1 mile
Geo Data KML (for Google Earth)
GeoJSON (for GIS applications)

Biblical places associated with Makrun


recent ruins at Makrun
Credit: יעקב (modified)