Modern locations of places in the Bible:

Arak Ismain


Also CalledArak Ismail, Araq Isma
Latitude, Longitude31.763715, 35.025793
Palestine 1928 Grid Coordinates (?)152525/130124
Point Precision500 m
Coordinates Source
General Location Notes
  • Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible (2010) (Etam): “2.5 miles east-southeast from Zorah
  • Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia (1975) (Etam): “two and one half miles southeast of Zorah
  • Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (1992) (Etam, Rock of (place)): “north slope of the Sorek Valley
Precise Coordinates NotesAnchor Yale Bible Dictionary (1992) (Lehi) cites Burney, who proposes "Arak Ismain, near Hirbet Mamita" (Burney, Judges (1918)); Khirbat Marmita is at 201629/630408, per Govrin and Shavi, Excavation at Khirbat Marmita (2014); I believe he’s referring to a point near Samson Cave; Two Refuge Caves at Arak Ismain in Nahal Surek (2009) discusses several caves in this immediate area
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Biblical places associated with Arak Ismain


cave at Arak Ismain
Credit: savion29 (modified)