Modern locations of places in the Bible:

Khirbet el Qudeirat


Latitude, Longitude30.648333, 34.422222
Palestine 1928 Grid Coordinates (?)094470/006704
Point Precisionpoint on tel
General Location Notes
Precise Coordinates Notessince Ain el Qudeirat is, depending on how you measure it, 5-7 miles northwest of Ein Qedeis, Khirbet el Qudeirat is a reference to the ruin at Ain el Qudeirat, and the distances given are from Ein Qedeis, carried over from when Ein Qedeis was a more popular site for Kadesh-barnea; this interpretation also works with Oxford Bible Atlas, Fourth Edition (2007) (page 79)
Geo Data KML (for Google Earth)
GeoJSON (for GIS applications)

Biblical places associated with Khirbet el Qudeirat


panorama of Khirbet el Qudeirat
Credit: Matson Collection (modified)