Modern locations of places in the Bible:



Latitude, Longitude34.250000, 37.066667
Palestine 1928 Grid Coordinates (?)340999/407423
Point Precision20 km
Coordinates Source
General Location Notes
  • Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible (2010) (Hobah): “55 miles north-northwest of Damascus, on the road to Palmyra
  • Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (1992) (Hobah (place)): “50 miles north of Damascus, on the road to Palmyra
  • International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1979) (Hobah): “60 miles northwest of Damascus
  • Tyndale Bible Dictionary (2001) (Hobah): “50 miles northwest of Damascus
  • Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible (1975): “50 miles north of Damascus, on the road to Palmyra
  • Bennett, Century Bible: Genesis (1904) "20 hours north-west of Damascus on the road to Palmyra"
  • Dillmann, Genesis (1897) (page 47): “west of Karyetain
  • Keil and Delitzsch Old Testament Commentary (1865) (page 562): “About 1 day’s journey north of Hoba on the road from Hims to Palmyra is a strong spring, which was a land rider station called Bet-Proclis under Roman rule... now all the structures have disappeared there and only the source Ain Forkutus has remained... Likewise, there is now only the Hoba spring without a village”
  • Riess, Bibel-Atlas (1895) (page 9): “west of Karyetain, 111 km northeast of Damascus
Precise Coordinates NotesI can’t locate Hoba; the various possible locations aren’t entirely compatible; since Palmyra is northeast of Damascus, it’s difficult for a site on the road between them to be northwest; Wikipedia mentions that this city is built on a spring, and it’s west of Al Qaryatayn, but I can find nothing identifying it specificially with Hoba
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Biblical places associated with Hoba

10-meter-per-pixel satellite Image

satellite view of the region around Hoba
Credit: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2019 (modified)