Modern locations of places in the Bible:

Rujm el Meshrefeh


Also CalledAl Mushrifah
Latitude, Longitude31.546330, 35.776460
Palestine 1928 Grid Coordinates (?)223767/106148
Point Precision25 km
Coordinates Sources
Precise Coordinates NotesAnchor Yale Bible Dictionary (1992) (Mizpah (place)): "Kerak and Rujm el-Meshrefeh southwest of Madaba;" this place matches the name, is on a precipice, and is on a line from Madaba to Kerak; however, Rujm el Meshrefeh is "west-southwest of Madaba" (Believer’s Bible Commentary, 2nd Edition (2016)), while this point is south-southwest of Madaba, and there are no excavations here. I don’t have high confidence that this is the correct point, nor am I able to find the original source for identifying Rujm el Meshrefeh with Mizpeh
Geo Data KML (for Google Earth)
GeoJSON (for GIS applications)

Biblical places associated with Rujm el Meshrefeh

10-meter-per-pixel satellite Image

satellite view of the region around Rujm el Meshrefeh
Credit: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2019 (modified)