Places in Numbers 22

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Place Possible identifications (tap to highlight on the map)
Num 22:5
  1. panorama of a lake in the region between Aleppo and Carchemishbetween Aleppo and Carchemish

  2. ruins at AmmanAmmon

Num 22:36
  1. closeup of Wadi MujibWadi Mujib

Num 22:41
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el QuweiqiyehKhirbet el Quweiqiyeh

  2. satellite view of the region around Jebel AtaruzJebel Ataruz

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet LibbKhirbet Libb

Num 22:5, 22:11
  1. pyramids of Giza in EgyptEgypt

Num 22:36
  1. ruins at Khirbet al BaluaKhirbet al Balua

  2. satellite view of the region around MisnaMisna

  3. ruins at RabbaRabba

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el MedeinehKhirbet el Medeineh

  5. castle at KerakKerak

  6. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el MedeiyinehKhirbet el Medeiyineh

Jericho 1
Num 22:1
  1. ruins at Tell es SultanTell es Sultan

Jordan 1
Num 22:1
  1. closeup of the Jordan RiverJordan River

Num 22:39
  1. ruins at Tall Dhibanwithin 10 km of Tall Dhiban

  2. satellite view of the region around El KeryehEl Keryeh

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el Quweiqiyehwithin 10 km of Khirbet el Quweiqiyeh

  4. satellite view of the region around Jebel Ataruzwithin 10 km of Jebel Ataruz

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Libbwithin 10 km of Khirbet Libb

  6. satellite view of the region around Al QurayyatAl Qurayyat

  7. ruins at Khirbet al MukhayyatKhirbet al Mukhayyat

  8. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el QureiyeKhirbet el Qureiye

  9. satellite view of the region around Tall JalulTall Jalul

Num 22:4, 22:7
  1. panorama of hills in MidianMidian

Moab 1
Num 22:3, 22:4, 5 more
  1. panorama of a wadi in Moab 1Moab 1

Moab 2
Num 22:1
  1. panorama of Tall el HammamMoab 2

Num 22:5
  1. art from Til BarsipTil Barsip

  2. satellite view of the region around Tell AushariyeTell Aushariye

River 2
Num 22:5
  1. panorama of the Euphrates RiverEuphrates River

  2. closeup of the Jordan RiverJordan River

  3. closeup of the Zarqa RiverZarqa River

Image Credits

عمرو بن كلثوم, Berthold Werner, YousefTOmar, Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2019, Ricardo Liberato, Bashar Tabbah, Dennis Jarvis, Berthold Werner, Abraham, Bill Rice, Bashar Tabbah, Bashar Tabbah, Roupicou, Adeeb Atwan, Deg777, Trjames, Ferrus, Adeeb Atwan


This page attempts to identify all possible locations for every place mentioned in this chapter of the Bible.

The isobands you see on the map (gray areas with dark borders) attempt to give you confidence where a region is. Because many ancient regions aren't precisely defined, I consulted atlases to determine where the biblical region is located and used that data to build the isobands. The smaller isobands reflect more confidence that the given isoband is in the region, while the larger isobands reflect less confidence. Isobands are a kind of contour line that here indicate confidence levels.