AI Sermon Outline Generator: Revelation 14

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We must be willing to sacrifice earthly desires for the sake of worshipping God. worship

We must be careful to use our anger to fight for justice, not to perpetuate evil, and to remember that God's justice will ultimately prevail. anger

We must strive to be like the 144,000, who are marked with the seal of God and blessed with strength to overcome evil with holy anger. anger

The coming of Christ promises a harvest of justice and peace, which we must prepare for through righteous indignation. anger

God's judgment is righteous and just, and he calls us to respond to injustice with holy anger. anger

The consequences of not worshipping God are eternal damnation, as demonstrated by the harvest of the earth. worship

The 144,000 followers of God exemplify the importance of worshipping him above all else. worship

Worshipping God is an act of faith and obedience that is essential to our salvation. worship

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