Psalm 74:21 Cross References

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Psalm 74:21

Let not the downtrodden turn back in shame; let the poor and needy praise your name.

Psalm 12:5

“Because the poor are plundered, because the needy groan, I will now arise,” says the Lord; “I will place him in the safety for which he longs.”

Psalm 103:6

The Lord works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed.

Psalm 35:10

All my bones shall say, “O Lord, who is like you, delivering the poor from him who is too strong for him, the poor and needy from him who robs him?”

Psalm 9:18

For the needy shall not always be forgotten, and the hope of the poor shall not perish forever.

Ezra 3:11

And they sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the Lord, “For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever toward Israel.” And all the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid.

Jeremiah 33:11

the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voices of those who sing, as they bring thank offerings to the house of the Lord: “‘Give thanks to the Lord of hosts, for the Lord is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!’ For I will restore the fortunes of the land as at first, says the Lord.

Isaiah 45:17

But Israel is saved by the Lord with everlasting salvation; you shall not be put to shame or confounded to all eternity.

Psalm 109:22

For I am poor and needy, and my heart is stricken within me.

Psalm 102:19-21

that he looked down from his holy height; from heaven the Lord looked at the earth, to hear the groans of the prisoners, to set free those who were doomed to die, that they may declare in Zion the name of the Lord, and in Jerusalem his praise,